
Showing posts from September, 2018

Starting Point

Introduction This is a blog post documenting the development of an FPS game made within the Unreal Engine 4 engine. This is the starting point where I mainly state the general impressions I have had with the engine so far and comparing it to Unity. First Impressions Unreal Engine 4 is an interesting engine to use just coming off getting used to the Unity engine with the fact that there is options for the user to have an easier time coding their game via blueprints or actually just code their game using C++. I have actually used Unreal Engine 4 a few years back before now but only messing around with templates. The first impressions I have are from messing around with the engine more in depth than I have before. Image of the interface using the FPS template My first impressions on using the engine is mainly surprising because of the fact that the engine already gives you a lot of stuff to work with outside of coding and with the options of using blueprints or C++ m...