Game Prototyping
Prototyping Stage Image of the basic first area with lighting tests. This week was the first week of starting development on the game idea what was created the week before, the first steps was to prototype the game and the features it will have. This involves features like the map layout and any player controls to be decided here and tested. The main features added in the first part were basic geometry layouts like how big the building would be and also how lighting would look in the final game. The next features to be added are the basic character movement features like crouching and a different style of shooting for the gun. New Features Used Image of a basic vent made in UE4. Image of the settings used for the shapes in order to make holes. A new feature learnt from this was the ability to basically make holes in objects, The way this works is by making a new shape and placing it inside an already existing shape and setting the brush type to subtractive....