Game Idea and Unreal Engine Learning

Unreal Engine Learning/Comparisons

In the Unreal Engine I have messed around with the terrain editor creating a simple rocky landscape and also learnt about the death plane the engine has put in place along with editing some lighting effects mainly point lights and spot lights

The lighting effects in UE4 are interesting to use and are very similar to what is available in the Unity software. It is easier to mess around with them colour wise along with looking really good for the engine.
Image of lighting testing in UE4

The geometry tool for UE4 was also fun to mess around with since there is a lot of ways you can mess around making a simple geometry layout. The main way is to simply extrude some of the plane and from there it's possible to make it took more natural with the other tools to do stuff like flattening and weathering. It is also possible to make holes using this tool. Comparing it to Unity it is more detailed then what unity has to offer what has the simple extruding tools to make hills and mountains.
Image of testing the geometry tools in UE4

Game Idea

The main idea for the game what will be developed using UE4 was also decided and it is a stealth based FPS inpired by games like Goldeneye, hitman and metal gear solid. The main focus of the game is to travel through a facility without being caught. It has some puzzle elements with being able to shoot certain cameras along with timing, There is no health in the game but it's replaced with a meter what will fill up the more you are seen and if filled will cause a game over for the player.

The player will be equipped with a silenced pistol with limited ammo but the player will be able to gain extra ammo for finding secret areas. The gun will be used to help make a certain puzzle easier or straight up be used to help solve puzzles.

The next blog post will have concepts and the first steps of development of the game idea.


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