Development Update: 2

Development Update: 2

Unreal Engine 4

Blueprint of the chase player when seen

Blueprint of Chase Player that also damages player

Blueprint to show that player has hit the enemy
Within the unreal engine game I have started development of the main level design and also made the AI blueprints more streamlined so that when the player is spotted they will always follow the player till they are dead, I have also started working on a music trigger what will play when the player has been spotted by the enemy. The enemy has also been updated as well to be killed by the player when hit by a projectile. The music trigger is bugged so it plays outside of the pawn sensing zone of the enemy. The next part of blueprints to work on will be Ammo and the menu's and UI.

AI has also been worked on for the game with the enemies patrolling the area until they spot the player character and then will switch the AI state automatically to start chasing the player till he is caught. This is done by having a pawn sensor on the enemy that has been edited to be like a sight, in game this is defined by the red light shown on all of the enemies. The reason for a damage output than just having a destroy actor function is to be able to easily edit the function into something later in development like a safe meter what will be multiple chances to stay safe during the game, This will be implemented later on once another AI state is added where once the player is outside the pawn sensor it would go back to the patrol route.

Image of the spawn area for the game

The level design that has been worked on so far is the spawn area where the player will start each time they load up the game, along with the second area where the player will start to escape towards. It is very simplistic so far but the main thing behind the level design is that I want a story to be told through the environments while the player goes through the game. The next part to the level design will be the ventilation system the player will have to crawl through to make their way to the stairs to get to the next area of the facility.

Comparison to unity

When comparing the code of this to unity I can say it is much more easier to use blueprints for AI than how it is in unity but with unity you are able to do a lot more with the AI code whereas with blueprints there is some errors involved with it limiting to any extra things that can be done with the code. The level design is around the same as how it would be made within unity of just placing shapes down and messing around with the mesh but the difference unreal has is the range of meshes to choose from since the editor has a stair mesh to use along with a table and chair mesh to use whereas in unity you would have to model them in Maya or just use the unity asset store.


Image for the basic gun model in Maya.

In Maya the gun has started to be worked on, the gun of choice is the berretta 92fs with an added silencer onto the end of the gun, The reason for this gun choice was that it is a gun that has a simplistic design and also fits in well with the stealth theme going on in the game. The model is simple to work on but I did restart it by going from using multiple blocks to using one block for the main outline of the gun and using multiple shapes for the other features, for the detail on the gun itself like the grip I will be using the main block still to make it more efficient.


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