Unreal Engine 4 & Maya: Project Daybreaker Evaluation
Unreal Engine 4 & Maya: Project Evaluation The game in recent days has finally started to wrap up development and at this point it is a good time to look back at the good and bad things that have happened during the development process of the game. This will range from all the new programs used to the brand new things I have learnt during the project and finally to stuff I would change if I did the project again and how this project has helped with my skills. Unreal Engine 4 With this being the main program that has been used throughout development and with another engine to compare it to this engine has a lot of new things to show compared to what unity has to offer, I have compared tools throughout the blogging process to show a difference between the tools and the upsides and downsides to each engine. The reasoning behind some of the ideas I had done for the game by making it Stealth based and using AI is to learn more complicated features of the engine sin...